Did you know that in 2020 more than half of Google searches ended without a single click?
In case you didn’t know, Google is continually updating its Search Engine Results Page (SERP) so that users don’t even need to click on a result in order to satisfy their query. Try a quick search for “marketing” and you’ll immediately be shown a definition paired with graphics, trending top stories, and even book recommendations.
via Spark Toro
We can also see a similar shift within search + results on social media platforms.
As of August 2022, Instagram still does not allow you to place hyperlinked URLs in posts’ captions. This missing feature leaves marketers to get creative with their link sharing. Hootsuite found that tweets without links, on average, get more engagement and reach. Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, and even Quora favor in-platform content like linkless posts, threads, images, and videos according to Spark Toro.
via Spark Toro
So what does this mean for marketers? Less clickbait, more Zero-click content.
Zero-Click content is a type of content that offers your audience immediate value without the need to click for more.
Outlining your next Twitter thread?
Working on that 30-second demo Reel?
These are ideal examples of zero-click content that are easily consumed and highly valuable.
When creating zero-click content, marketers must focus on optimizing impressions, not clicks. Impressions represent the number of people your content has been shown to. A click occurs when a user sees your content (thereby creating an impression) and clicks your content for more information and further action. When providing your audience with such valuable content, you will see your content earn engagement through impressions, shares, and even saves.
Living in a world of quick-cut information, zero-click content is an innovative strategy that will keep your audience engaged.